Sea Services

We are focused on all sectors such as Far East, Africa, Red Sea, Gulf, Middle East, UK, USA, Australia and European destinations with a good team of officials and strong agency network around the globe.

For convenience of the customer ICC Xpress offers both LCL and FCL

LCL- We provide best price and services in LCL shipments

FCL- If an FCL shipment is the best option for your cargo, let ICC Xpress orchestrate the move. We have alignment with all major shipping lines and consolidators, which allows us to offer competitive pricing on weekly shipping services.

  • Cost-Effective: Shipping rates are typically lower for FCL than LCL, making this the most economical choice for large loads (typically defined as 12 or more pallets).
  • Easy Tracking: Because your FCL freight is all in one place, it’s easy to track it as it travels from port to port.
  • Security: LCL shipments usually require more points along the transport chain; for example, a container may need to pass through a consolidation center where additional cargo is added. FCL is more secure because there are fewer stops and fewer shipping agents opening the container.
  • Goods Will Arrive Together: With FCL, all the goods in your order will arrive together, which can make the unpacking and transfer process faster.
  • Faster Unloading Time: Because your FCL is under the account of just one carrier and one consignee, customs can usually process the transaction relatively quickly using the bill of lading. Once the cargo has been processed, it can be unloaded and will continue on to its final destination.

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